8 Great Ways to Help Support TIP
#1 Volunteer Safety Vests $50 buys 4
You will help us purchase vests which help Volunteers stay safe on TIP Calls.
You will be recognized as a "Safety Sponsor" on our website and social media.
#2 Client Resource Guides $75 buys 25
You will help us print resource guides which are given to clients to help them obtain the follow up services they need.
Your name will be listed as the "Resource Guide Sponsor" in the resource guide, on our website and on social media.
#3 Volunteer Academy $3000
All Citizens must attend the 55 hr Academy to become TIP Volunteers. You will help us fund this academy.
You will be listed as the "Training Academy Sponsor" on the front of the training manuals, and TIP Staff will announce your sponsorship at the beginning of the academy.
#4 Adopt a Volunteer $100 for one year
You will help fund the equipment and ongoing training of a TIP Volunteer.
#5 Volunteer Name Tags $50 buys 5
You will help us supply TIP Volunteers with name tags which identifies them to emergency responders on scene.
Your name will be listed as a "Badge Sponsor" on the TIP Website and social media.
#6 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner $1000
TIP recognizes TIP Volunteers annually. You will help us provide food and gifts for volunteers at this appreciation event.
You will be listed on the event program as the "Sponsor" and will be given verbal recognition at the event.
#7 Sponsor the Website $500 for one year.
You will help us maintain and update the TIP website which provides helpful information to survivors of tragedy.
Your name will be prominently displayed on the TIP website as the "Website Sponsor".
#8 Communication Equipment for TIP Dispatchers $250 for one year
You will help us purchase technology used to dispatch TIP Volunteers.
You will be recognized as the "Communications Sponsor" on the TIP website and on social media.
Or mail a check to this address and indicate what you would like to fund:
TIP of Lane County
13217 Jamboree Rd. #190
Tustin, CA 92782